The most common Sudoku solving methods: How to solve Sudoku games

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Do you feel bored and wish to be entertained? If so, then one way to divert from being bored is to take up a hoppy. A good suggestion here would therefore beto try answering Sudoku puzzles. It does not only keep you from word-weariness; it ill also sharpen your brains.

Simply put, a puzzle is a problem-solving game, which challenges the different mind strategies that you know of. There are different kinds of puzzle games available – while some are very easy to solve, there are others more difficult and similar to solving Math or Logic problems. A good example of more logical puzzle game is known as Number Place or Sudoku.

In Sudoku game one aims to complete a nine by nine (9 x 9) grid from three by three (3 x 3) regions by entering the numbers 1 to 9 in each cell of the grid. The tricky part is that no single number should repeat itself in the 9 x 9 grid.

At first, the Sudoku looks like a very fun and easy to solve game. However in the long run it requires you to be in deep thought of what strategies to formulate that would effectively solve the puzzle.

There are three most common ways or strategies to answer Sudoku. You can choose to use scanning as a method of solving the puzzle. There are people out there that also prefer marking up to come up with a solved puzzle. Some are even using the analysis method of puzzle solving.

Scanning is a method wherein the process of elimination reigns. Under the scanning method, one can either choose cross-hatching or counting. Cross-hatching requires a systematic course of action wherein to scan rows or columns in a particular region can give you hints of the possibility where numbers can or cannot be repeated. On the other hand, counting requires the basic counting where the player would count numerals 1 to 9 in rows, columns, and regions to find the missing numeral.

To answer your next Sudoku game, try the marking up method. This method is normally used when you exhaust all the possibilities of solving the puzzle from scanning. To mark, you should be able to use notations. Commonly, what is being used as notation to mark-up are dots and subscript. However, it is best to use notation wherein you will be comfortable using such as lines, shapes or other codes. It is also good to assign which notation would be used for candidate numerals that are most likely to repeat and notation that is likely to be in the said grid. One drawback of using notations is when Sudoku is being played from newspaper or magazine pages where grids are usually small to note into.

Third suggested way to solve Sudoku puzzles is through analysis. There are two main tactics to use the analysis method – the candidate elimination and what-if method. Through the word itself, candidate elimination method does away with candidate numerals from the grids to set aside just one option. Scanning can also be utilized together with the candidate elimination. Another way to answer Number Place with the analysis method is the what-if technique. With the use of this approach the player will guess which is which from the two remaining numbers.

If for instance, you will be seeking answers of Sudoku via a computer program there are also recommended ways to finish the puzzle.

First, try to act and be like a human when solving. You can still use the suggested solving procedures given above. Additionally, with the use of a computer program you will be able to devise the level of difficulty for each puzzle game.

Secondly, plan or search for a good computation that will help you solve the puzzle more rapidly.

You can use a combination of the Sudoku solving methods or you could even formulate new solutions that will work best for you and others as well. Take things one step at a time. Learn the basics of the game first. Do not bother much with line of attacks that are boggling your brains. Pick the pieces of information where you think you succeed and learn from where you fall apart. It is a game, where you must learn to take risks.


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