Sudoku Puzzle Versions Explained

Friday, November 27, 2009

As mentioned in my previous posts, you can find Sudoku Puzzle Games in many different variations or forms. There is one thing that all these versions have in common.

That is standard that each of the numerals in a particular region has to be unique. One good thing about having so many Sudoku versions to choose from is this: You will never run out of challenges even if you have already solved 1000 puzzles!

If you are beginner to Sudoku here is my advice: begin with the standard grid layout of 9 x 9 before you move on to other variations that are available to you. At this point your aim is to solve the Sudoku puzzle with as little “givens” as you possibly can.

What variations or versions of Sudoku puzzles are available there?

As mentioned above Sudoku puzzle games are normally being solved as a 9 x 9 grid which contains 3 x 3 regions. While this is the most basic grid layout, there are many other versions available as well.

Besides the most standard sudoku version, the following grid layouts are also quite common and makes Sudokus even more challenging:

  • 4 x 4 grid with 2 x 2 regions,

  • 5 x 5 grid with pentomino regions also known as “Logi-5”,

  • 6 x 6 grid with 2 x 3 regions. This grid is used in the World Puzzle Championship,

  • 7 x 7 grid with six heptomino regions in addition to a “disjoint” region,

  • 9 x 9 grid that normally has nonomino regions.

There also exist larger grid puzzles, for instance a 16 x 16 grid layout puzzle was published by Dell named as "Number Place Challenger". In Japan, Nikoli once published a 25 x 25 grid Sudoku Puzzle.

You will also come across the Sudoku puzzle where the numbers in the main diagonal areas has to be completely different! Another somehow very unique version is called "Gattai 5 Sudoku".

This is a Sudoku with 9 x 9 grids, which at the corner regions convergence into the refined shape of quincunx. In USA this puzzle was named as “Samurai Su Doku”.


The History of Sudoku Puzzle Games

Monday, November 23, 2009

The history of Sudoku Puzzle Games is presented in this blog post. Lets start with the origin of this game. When considering the name Sudoku, the first country that comes to our mind is Japan.

But Japan is not the country where Sudoku was first popularized. Before going to Japan, this game was already being played in UK and USA. Nonetheless, the Japanese are the ones who came up with the name Sudoku.

It is funny though how Japanese people came up with the name Sudoku. What they did is they took an example from American magazine titled as "Number Place" and then translated it into unique expression with the following meaning:

  • Su means number in Japanese language,

  • Doku means single unit in Japanese language.

By doing that, this game immediately became very popular in Japan simply because Japanese people prefer number puzzles to word puzzles. This can be explained because of the Japanese language itself: Crosswords just do not function very well.

When was Sudoku Puzzle first published?

The Sudoku puzzle game was first published back in late 1970. This happened in New York and the publisher was "Dell Magazines". This publisher was previously already known as a specialist for logical and ability based puzzle games. This game was published in Maths Puzzles and Logic Problems magazine under the name "Number Place".

Who actually designed this first Sudoku puzzle game is unknown. Nevertheless, it is possible that one of the Dell's puzzle constructors named Walter Mackey could be the person, who designed it.

It was not until yes 1984 when Sudoku was first published in Japan. It appeared in the monthly magazine Nikolist under the name “Suuji wa dokushin ni kagiru”. To translate this in english: “the numbers must be there in only on instance”.

Later on in year 1986 as Sudoku Puzzles were getting more and more popular, Nikoli introduced two different versions of this game. In new versions no more than 30 "givens" were permitted and the grid became proportionate.

Nowadays, Sudoku is being published in all the main stream magazines all over the world, but the trademark of Sudoku is still owned by the Nikoli. Other magazines and publications in Japan use other names for this puzzles though.

The digitalization of Sudoku puzzle games

Sudoku was soon brought to the computer as well. This happened in year 1989 when a programme called DigitHund was produced for the Commodore 64.

This programme was developed by the company named Loadstar/Softdisk Publising and is basically the home computer version of Sudoku puzzle games. People of all ages were able to enjoy this game in a digital version as well.

As you probably know, today you can find Sudoku puzzles in a wide variety of places, among the most popular are perhaps the New York Post and USA Today. Almost every publication out there at some point published a Sudoku game in it.

You will also find this game under the name "Nine Numbers". While Nikoli was able to cash in big time with Sudoku puzzles, the company who invented americanized version of Sudoku was not able to do that.

The Sudoku puzzle arrived at hysteria condition in Japan in 2004 and this hysteria later on spread to the USA and the UK through various national newspapers. The Daily Telegraph uses the name “Sudoku” but you may find it named as “su doku” in other places.


Search and eliminate external numbers when solving Sudoku puzzles

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Regardless of how difficult Sudoku puzzles you are comfortable of solving, there are a couple of Sudoku strategies that can help you find a proper solution more promptly.

If you have been reading my other posts on this blog, then you have already come upon many of them. But what if reading all those Sudoku hints still did not help you solve your Sudokus?

Thus far we have been causally putting in potential numerals, but as you probably know, many of the Sudoku puzzles need you to be completely methodical in order to find and eliminate external numbers.

When you come to a point where you run out of obvious ideas on how to solve the Sudoku, the first thing you should do before anything else is to double check, if you have actually found all the possible numerals that you can put into the puzzle.

Only then I suggest you to go in the unknown territory and start with the methods like bifurcation (we will talk more about this method later).

The initiative step toward accomplishing this is to pencil in all potential numerals in every square. This will take you much less time than you would think to rattle down “can 1 go”, “can 2 go”, “can 3 go” when checking for these numbers in the cell’s region, row, and column.

Therefore, it is always beneficial to repeat one basic tenet of the Sudoku Puzzle, which goes like this: If something holds correct for one element, then it holds true fo other two associated elements as well.

That is it for today. Subscribe to Sudoku hints blog so you will not miss out on my future posts! Take care!


Use scanning method to find Solutions for Sudoku Puzzles

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today I will briefly explain to you a scanning method that you can use to find solutions for Sudoku Puzzle games. Of course, this method is just one method of solving Sudokus among many, which means that you can still go with other ones, if you find this ineffective.

So how do you use this method? When you begin solving a certain Sudoku, take time to scan the whole puzzle at least once. If you do not manage to find a solution after a couple of attempts, do a couple of scans again.

Take some time as well, just to analyze the puzzle as you work it out. If used properly, scanning can help you to rapidly pick up on a bringing in one or two needed numbers.

Generally speaking, scanning has two primary formulas:

  • cross-hatching,

  • counting.

Both of these formulas can be used alternately.

At the moment you run out of numerals to put into the cells, you will not be capable to scan the puzzle any longer. When this happens, just begin working zhe puzzle from a logical point of view.

It can be very helpful for you to mark possible numerals in the cells. This can be done by either using subscripts or dots:

1.Subscript marking method

You can use subscript to mark possible numeral into the particular cell. One thing that can make this difficult for you is that many puzzles, for example those in newspapers, are in most cases too small for you to be able to write in the cells.

If you manage to make a larger copy of the Sudoku puzzle so you can read it easier, then you will not have that problem. You can also use a sharp pencil, which will enable you o write fine lines.

2. Dot marking method

The method of dot marking is based on using a pattern of dots. To give you an example: A dot in the topl left corner will signal a one (1) and a dot in the bottom right corner will signal to you a nine (9).

The main advantage of dot marking method is the easiness of using it on the original puzzle.

But make sure to not make any mistakes with dots, since that can led you into confusion. The dots may not be easy to erase to, which means even more confusion for you in case you mix it up to much.


The connection between Sudoku and Math

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sudoku puzzle game is different from other puzzle games, because Sudoku is has a mathematical structure and also demands a degree of logical thinking in order to figure it out.

The main reason why Sudoku is so difficult to solve is due to so called NP-complete, which is solved on n2 x n2 grids of n x n cells. Since a couple of "givens" are put in the cells on the grids, it will take you some time to clear the Sudoku right.

Sudoku puzzles also has so called game tree that can be pretty large. If a particular game is made with only one possible solution, then solving it can be very hard task to perform. But you can use certain tips to help you figure out your Sudoku much quicker.

The easiest way of discovering the Sudoku puzzle solution is if we call it a graph colouring problem, where the primary goal is to construct a colouring grid in its standard variant of 9 x 9. The entire graph consists out of 81 vertices, with 1 vertex for every single cell that is present on the grid.

We can name each of the vertices with pairs that are ordered and where "x" and "y" are integers, ranging from 1 to 9. Therefore, two individual vertices are names and are also linked by an edge, in case and only in case where the edges correspond.

That means that sooner or later, Sudoku is figured out by imputing an integer, or a number from 1 to 9, to each of the vertices in such way that the vertices, linked by an edge, do not have the same integer imputed to them.

A word about the Latin square

We can also compare the solution of particular Sudoku grid to a Latin square. But you should know however, that there are less solution grids for Sudoku, than there are Latin squares simply because the Sudoku puzzle has another problem: Multiple regions. But despite that, there are endless solution grids for Sudoku puzzle games.

For instance, Bertram Felgenhauer in year 2005 estimated that number to be around 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960. He gained this number by using logical calculations. The analysis of the number of solution grids was further simplified by Frazer Jarvis and Ed Russell.

It has not yet been calculated how many solution grids there are for the 16 x 16 Sudoku puzzle.


How to solve Sudoku Puzzle Games: quck and easy to learn Sudoku Strategies

Saturday, November 14, 2009

In this article you will find quick and easy to learn Sudoku strategies that you can teach yourself, if you want to know how to solve Sudoku Puzzle Games. As you might already know, this puzzle solving game, that is very popular worldwide, consists of a 9 x 9 grid with aproximately 81 boxes, which you fill in with different numbers.

The ultimate goal of Sudoku is to fill all numbers from 1 to 9 in the box, but nevertheless, there exist one very common formula that can sometimes irritate most players, who are having hard times with completing the whole box. This formula goes like this: the numbers from 1 to 9 must emerge just at one time in each row and column.

So the question is: What can you do to avoid getting yourself trapped by this formula? Well, the best thing for you is to have certain strategies, which will help you correctly and effectively solve almost every Sudoku puzzle game that was ever made.

How should you therefore begin? Obviously, everybody through try and error develops his/her own way of solving Sudoku puzzles, just as you will. Nonetheless, the next strategies are put together from the most at ease to the hardest one in order to gear you up with the knowledge you need to solve even the most misleading Sudoku puzzle in the world.

First Sudoku Strategy: Start using a pencil

Despite the fact that puzzle could appear to you as very easy one, you will still need a little of scratch work before actually find a solution. If you use pencils instead of pens, you are able to erase anything at any time.

The correct answer in Sudoku does not dwell in guessing, instead of that you have to use your brain and think!

Almost all Sudoku puzzles are solved with in only one way, which is by using your logical thinking. Therefore, make sure to never insert any numerals into the box if you are not completely sure you have the right one. Therefore trial and error is not a suggested method of solving Sudoku puzzles.

You should start by using the most common numbers first

Analyze the puzzle first to get the idea of which numbers appear most commonly. Pick out these numbers and figure out if you can put any of them. As you start trying this, draw easy lines that cut every row and column that holding the numbers.

Then take a look at every box, which does not hold any numbers yet and in case you locate the box which has a single empty space that is crossed out, just put the number in the space provided.

Then go on to the nearly filled box

As you begin putting the numbers, watch out for the rows, columns, or the 3 x 3 block that are nearly filled in. Once you have found one, decide which of the numbers should remain to be placed in that box. Know the numbers that are not yet placed then, check if there is a suitable position in the box. If there is at least one, place the number.

Are you getting puzzled yet? It is time to make some notes

Now that easy numbers have been put in, you focused your attention on the page and you recognised that you are not using your pencil. If that is what really happened, we can say that you are puzzled by the puzzle.

What can you do in this case? First check out each single square again and make some notes of the likely solutions within each of them. Select one square then and then record in fine print any of the numbers from 1 to 9 that do not come out in each row, column or 3 x 3 grid.

By doing this, you will realize that a square has a single possible answer only. Put a number in that place then and then remove the possible actions in other squares.

Seek for other choices

Sometimes you will find yourself in situations where all the empty boxes have more than one possible solution. This is usually a sing, that the puzzle is quite difficult to solve, but do not worry. Your plan here is to find several boxes in a row, column or a box with similar choices.

To give you an example, if you are able to situate 2 boxes that have equal 2 choices, the 2 numbers should be laid in those 2 boxes. It should not be laid someplace else inside the row, column or box. This should narrow the choices in the remaining boxes to a point where you will be able to resolve other else.

This strategy is to work best if the choices overlap in 2 boxes or more. If the total number of different options along with the connected group of boxes does not go beyond the number of boxes included, you can presume that each of those numbers is placed anywhere within that group.

In case you duplicate: Start from the beginning

Finally, if you bump upon an illegal duplicate, stop, and recognise the cause behind it. If you cannot determine the cause, then the best thing would be to start solving Sudoku puzzle from the beginnng.

If you follow these easy and quick Sudoku solving strategies, you are ensured to successfully solve almost any Sudoku puzzle game – no matter whether it is made in easy level or the hardest level of the Sudoku.


The popularity of Sudoku Puzzle Games is getting bigger every day!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I get many questions from people asking me what is so special or interesting about Sudoku games. This question is of course legitimate, after all this is only a logic game that is played in a form of puzzle. But then again, this game vastly gained popularity in the whole world so there must be something more about it.

That something is pretty much about finding the satisfaction every time you use your logic in solving Sudoku games. But Sudoku can not be compared to other forms of puzzle game as it is not only a pastime activity, but also a brain draining activity, meaning that you have to involve a lot of logical brain thinking to find solution.

According to research based on surveys, most people love Sudoku for two reasons:

  • The challenge that Sudoku provides. You can play this game on different difficulty levels, varying from ridiculously easy Sudoku games to devilishly hard ones.

  • Sudoku is compiled entirely from numberals, to be more specific from 1 to 9, which means that it is not required from you to perform any mathematical operations or find solutions by using top class mathematics. What you need is only your logical skills.

All beginners to Sudoku puzzle solving should know and follow a couple of pointers, not with the intention to solve the game with ease, but only to learn a few basic Sudoku solving techniques.

When it comes to Sudoku, you as a beginner should resist a temptation to guess, because guessing will not help you at all times. Instead of that, apply logical thinking to find the desired solution.

Since the rise of the Sudoku popularity, a number of other products were and still are available for all Sudoku fans out there. Some of these products for instance are Sudoku shirts and caps that are produced in the United States of America. You can buy this Sudoku related products in all the leading stores all over the world as well as in online shops.

If you are not that enthusiastic about Sudoku yet and are only looking to learn and start playing Sudoku puzzle games, then I will say this to you. Sudoku puzzles are not available only in magazines and other printed materials, but you can find them online as well!

Sudoku Shack is one of these websites, where you can find as many Sudoku puzzles to solve as you wish. You can solve them online or download and print them, as you wish.

The interesting thing about Sudoku puzzle games is that both children and adult people get pleasure out of playing it. I would say this is mostly because Sudoku rules are very easy to follow and learn by beginners.

Another advantage for beginners is that you can reveal the solution if needed with only a simple roll or mouse click, in case you get in troubles.

There are also many online Sudoku tutorials available for people who are just starting to get to know this game. By using them you ensure yourself to keep track of the basic Sudoku puzzle game rules and strategies, which will help you enormously with learning this game.


Try Samurai Sudoku Puzzle Games for Different kind of Sudoku Challenge

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Would you like to use your free time, but have no idea of how to spend it? Perhaps you are bored from and tired of playing those old games that you usually play during your fee time. Maybe you even thinking of trying some different kind of games, but do not know exactly which one is worth spending your valuable free time on.

Which ever game you are thinking of trying, make sure you choose one that will give not just provide you with enjoyment, but one that will also help you exercise your brain and develop your abstract thought or logical thinking. Since you are probably feed up with Crossword puzzles (I know I am as I have been playing those for like every single day of my life), I will give you an example of a game that is more productive from those games you usually play. What I am talking about, is the best puzzle solving game that is available for you to play. This game is called Sudoku. Keep reading to find out more information about this game and its very celebrated kind as well.

What are Sudoku games and how do we play with these games?

I will start by saying that Sudoku is a kind of puzzle game, very popular today. Most people that try it practically get addicted by it. When it comes to Sudoku, your goal is to complete the puzzle with using numbers from 1 to 9 to fill up the blank spaces on the box that is provided to you. Several numbers are already preloaded in this box, where as your mission is to fill in the missing numbers. The Sudoku game or the box consists of columns and rows. In order to perfect or complete the game, you will have to match numbers to each other.

People in average spend about 10 to 30 minutes of their time to finish certain Sudoku puzzle game. The time to solve Sudoku depends pretty much on the difficulty level and the experience of the player. In general, Sudoku games come in 6 difficulty levels such as the light, easy, moderate hard, difficult and very difficult. If you are beginner to Sudoku solving, then of course, I suggest you to start with the easiest ones available to you. Slowly move upwards to more difficult versions of Sudoku as your Sudoku skills progress.

Quite funny thing about Sudoku is that even though this number uses and consists of numbers, you actually do not need to have any special skills in numbers to solve it! What I mean by this is that this game does not require you to posses any special mathematical skills to be played, even though it is played by using numbers. Therefore you do not need to be a mathematical genius to play Sudoku. What you need (and already have) though is a logical mind and a reasoning power. Together with various ranges of Sudoku puzzle solving methods and tactics, you are able to finish almost any Sudoku game that ever existed.

Sudoku puzzle games have several variations, which means that you will have to find the variation that gives you the most joy. One of these Sudoku versions that is quite difficult but very pleasurable to play is known as Samurai Sudoku, which was made popular by the Times Newspaper. You play this variation of Sudoku just the same as the ordinary ones, the only difference is that Samurai Sudoku games consists out of five Sudoku, which are interlinked between eachother in such way that they actually form one puzzle game. Only true Sudoku experts are able to perfect Samurai Sudoku games.

Just as ordinary Sudoku games, this variation is also based on Japanese types of crossword and also gives your brain something to work on, exercising your logical thinking along the way. Beside that, it also energizes your neurons to think faster. There are lots of Sudoku samurai games available on the internet, which you can print as well, so there will be no problem for you to find the right one for you!


Rattling Your creative thinking with an Electronic Sudoku Puzzle Games

Monday, November 9, 2009

In spite the fact that Sudoku has only recently exploded in fame, this puzzle game has existed for many years alredy. Therefore, it is sort of amazing that no one has ever bothered to make an electronic variant which is hand-held. Well, in case you do not know, these amusing and interesting widgets are now also available to be bought! Pretty amazing, I would say.

Electronic Sudoku Puzzle Games, as you might have imagined, is the portable hand-held liquid crystal display replication of the world’s enjoyed numeral puzzle game. This replications provide you the same addictive effect as with the printed Sudoku Puzzle Games that you can find in newspapers worldwide. The only mutation is that your hands won’t be made much of a grubby or be absentminded by folio of your non-stories as you play.

If you are wondering and speculating whether Electronic Sudoku turns into a portable radio manoeuvered space dog, edible blazing scorpions or DVD player, then I can answer to you that this is definitely not true. Thus, why are there electronic stores that are selling it? This is because Sudoku Puzzle Game is in fact is as absurdly convincing as you may hear people say and that Electronic Sudoku could possibly not feature diving and bombarding extraterrestrial beings as well as mallet-jolly pipe fitters, nevertheless, Electronic Sudoku is just like the unpardonable as King Kong and the Dinosaurs.

At the start, the objective of Sudoku solving puzzles is to decode mind-boggling numeral secrets and approach your solution know-hows on a crossword access grid. Well, folks know that sound regard as fascinating as uhm, breaking number brainteasers played in a crossword-approach grid. The moment you start playing this game, there is a high chance that you will get desperately hooked on it.

The Electronic Sudoku widget in essence includes a storage function for the game state and highest score recording, an automatic answer adaptation and a sleep mode.

Surely, the Electronic Sudoku has deluged people a lot much the store’s are distributing two various variants. The first variant would be the standard push key button or occasionally referred as joy pad edition offer more than 750 number puzzles, one puzzle timer, a puzzle assistant, a repeat puzzle option, 3-level skills and sound effects. Electronic Sudoku Puzzle Game widget is perfect for Sudoku fanatics on the go.

The touch screen ultra-chic LCD variant of Electronic Sudoku includes more than 100,000 puzzles with 2 styles along with 4-level skills each. Just insert your formula answers through the approachable and user-friendly easy touch screen style. The touch screen version also includes a break feature and a extra stylus. This is excellent especially for ages 8 and over and for other tramping Sudoku solving lovers.

Purchasing an Electronic Sudoku is a magnificent idea and acts pretty well, but the disfavour of the product is the widget's lack of contrast and the absence of a backlight. Hence, the number entries can be pretty hard to see. The reflexion on the widget's screen is a little troubling and it is hard to spot the grid particularly when being on a daylight.

Just as the ordinary Sudoku games, Electronic Sudoku can be addictive too, although it’s the electronic puzzle is still a neat idea, particularly the touch screen edition can make you look super smart when you’re just merely sitting down in the park pretending having fun with your palm pilot.

If you are stimulated with the idea of tasting the pleasure of Sudoku puzzle games, but you get distracted by reading the Windbreaker Weekly instead of peeked traveling either with a number puzzle book or a pile of brainteaser papers, the Electronic Sudoku Puzzle Games is perfectly suitable for you.

Get seized on Electronic Sudoku now! You can play this game anytime and anywhere you want, with the handheld user friendly Sudoku. You have several choices to choose from. All of these feature several grid formations and difficultness levels.

Electronic Sudoku game will offer you hours to days of fun headlong wits as an alternative for computers to decode the puzzles. This electronic game is entirely easy to use, available in liquid crystal display displays and features Sudoku hints to answer modes. You can even hand write your solutions and answers on top pf the plastic-covered grids provided. You can select from three difficulty levels with a number of games for every level.

Now you can have fun in playing the exciting game of Sudoku in an enjoyable handheld electronic puzzle featuring a sound function. These fascinating electronic puzzle games are available in nearly all online stores around the world so you can purchase it straightaway and reveal the secrets behind the mind-rattling number puzzles of Sudoku!


The advantages of playing Sudoku puzzle games on the internet

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Japan is long-familiar around the Earth for discovering several types of educational games for a long time now. This country has been really successful in blending fun with learning and sudoku puzzle game is just another manifestation of their love for cognition.

Sudoku game is in reality a puzzle game that is very generalized in Japan. In contemporary world today, the fame of this game has already spread throughout the wolrd, and one thing that has accelerated this process is the use of the internet. The game of Sudoku is very alike to crossword puzzle nonetheless rather than words it makes use of numbers.

Of course, not every body loves the idea of playing a game with numbers since it implies the use of mathematics. And as we all acknowledge that mathematics involves complicated resolutions that can make even make some people to go through a migraine episode. Sudoku is a particular case of number puzzle game and prior to you decide not to love this game due to mathematics, I would suggest you to take time and explore this puzzle game first so you will be able to get to experience it better.

Whilst some could think …”oh no not another mathematics game” let me just burst your bubbles with saying that (but believe it or not) does not involve the use of mathematics. It merely requires you to correctly place the digits beginning from 1 through 9. I assume you are likely be smiling by now and thinking to yourself that is not very difficult then. Naturally, this game is not hard to play at all, all you have to do is to correctly place the numbers 1 to 9 into every row, in every column and in every 3x3 square. The logic of the Sudoku game is to place all nine digits in appropriate position or order.

One of the best things about this puzzle solving game is that it can be played by people of various ages. It is not important whether you are a PhD holder or an elementary student, Sudoku has the right elements that attract both the extreme intellectuals and those that are not so bright or at least they think so.

Nonetheless, the easiness of the game is the main reason why it has turned into one of the most popular game that has been played in the world, let alone online. Though you still need to think as it is a puzzle game but believe me it is not that complicated so you can be ascertained of getting every puzzle there is. But there is one thing about sudoku game that I should warn you about it: This game can be highly addictive meaning that once you start playing it you will never want to stop!

In order to adapt a much larger number of sudoku players around the globe, Sudoku game was also made available on the World wide web. The web sudoku as the name indicates can nowadays also be played online. Each of the Sudoku puzzle games that are available on the internet has a unique resolution that can be reached logically without any unnecessary guessing from your side. The instructions are also not hard. All you have to do is to enter the fingers from 1 to 9 into blank places. But make sure to remember that every row must contain one of each digit and the same goes for each of the columns and for every 3x3 square.

You can choose from thousands of sudoku puzzles that are available to you, which means that you do not have to worry about running out of Sudoku puzzles to solve. As a matter of fact there are internet sudoku providers that can supply you with all the Sudoku puzzles you need, for lifetime!

There are alternatives available for players that play Sudoku on the internet, such as printing the result of the sudoku game puzzle or keeping a track of how well you are doing with it. Besides that, you may also clear the puzzle in case you have committed some errors. You may as well pause the game in case you need more time to think.

Sudoku puzzles are also ideal for teaching children to appreciate numbers. And since it is very simple kids will have truly a great time solving them. So you see sudoku puzzles are not just for killing time but also very educational. It trains children as well as adults to exercise their brain by solving various number puzzles.

There are also downloadable sudoku games that are compatible with your mobile phones and your personal computers. Likewise you may also print sudoku puzzle ebook or order newspapers with sudoku puzzles. There are also magazines that features sudoku puzzles. Whatever may be your preference there would always be a sudoku puzzle that is just right for you.


The beginners guide to playing the easy Sudoku puzzle games

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Solving puzzle games is among the most popular spare time pursuits in all regions of the Earth. During work or school breaks you are able to frequently come across an individual who is occupied due to figuring out puzzles games from newsprints, mags or even real books. That means that these individuals are making their idle time go away, but at the same time they are actually sharpening their minds too!

There are many puzzle games that can do that, one of these games is Sudoku. Sudoku is a highly addictive numeral puzzle game that is among the most popular puzzle games in the United States of America and in the whole Earth as well! Some even say that it is one of the most celebrated puzzle games that has ever been created.

So how can we play Sudoku? This game is playacted by using a 9 x 9 reference grid, whihc is fractioned into 9 same squares. When it comes to Sudoku, the goal is to place the numerals from 1 to 9 in such manner, that each numeral come out just at one time in every row, column and as well as in 3 x 3 squares.

We can also begin solving this game with a set of numerals that are already prewritten in the puzzle. Depending upon the given numerals and the location of the numerals, this can tell you about the complexness of the puzzle in general. This puzzle game typically differs from simple and easy versions to harder levels of Sudoku. I already mentioned above that Sudoku puzzle is resolved by applying your logical skills.

If you haven not yet had an opportunity to play and solve a Sudoku puzzle games yet, then I suggest you to begin with the most easiest versions that are available to you. If you prefer to buy a puzzle book, either on paper or internet, make sure to check out what the labels say about whether the puzzle games are easy, moderately hard or very difficult.

You can usually find the easiest Sudoku puzzles in the newspapers in the beginning of the week (Monday). If you are wondering why you should start with the most easiest versions of Sudoku, the best reason is that it will help you get to know the most common strategies and techniques that are used to solve this games. Besides that, you wil not find this games as frustrating as the difficult Sudoku puzzle games can be.

How to start playing the Easy Sudoku puzzles?

For beginners, here are steps which can be helpful in solving the easy sudoku. Be sure to follow each step carefully and correctly to have a better chance of solving the puzzle.

1. Upon Solving, guess cautiously and smartly. Since you already know that you cannot have two same numerals in each row, column or 3 x 3 boxes, you can use this as your first tip or hint which will help you to get another numeral in the series. Remember the more difficult the Sudoku is, the lesser chance to start the game easily.

2. In solving an easy Sudoku, the first thing you must keep in mind is to look for the possibilities. Possibilities are the numerals that are possibly just around. Beginning at 1, make an imaginary line on the boxes in the 1’s row and column. When you see that only one box is left in the nine-square block, you will know that it is a possibility.

3. Carefully work on the numerals until the numeral 9. Since you already placed some of the numerals, this must help you to get other numerals which has more possibilities.

4. If you are trapped, go back but ensure to look at the other numerals. Once that happens, it is assured that you had missed something on the puzzle. That thing is normally where you need to be active again. If on the process you still cannot find the “missing numeral”, begin by labeling each block with everything which has a chance to be on the box.

5. It would be advisable that you begin a game in the newspaper. Most of the newspapers in the country already have Sudoku puzzle games. Most of the easy puzzle games are out during Monday and Tuesday. While the difficult puzzles are out on the following days.

The basic technique most players use in playing the Easy Sudoku is by going through every numeral and by trying to place as many numerals as the puzzle permits. You have to observe the numerals on the rows and columns to make sure that there are no same numerals present.

If you are working your way on the numerals 1 to 9, ensure to think of going through the same procedure again. Then, look at the squares to know the numerals you can use to keep other numerals from filling in.

Try to train your mind well in looking at the numerals in all 3 x 3 boxes, columns or rows. In this way, you can easily spot the missing numerals which you need in each 3 x 3 boxes, columns or rows.

Lastly, if it is your first time to play the game, be patient. It may be an easy Sudoku but it is not as simple as what you may think. It still requires great logical skills and careful thinking in order to win and complete the puzzle.


Sudoku puzzle games for children: Let you child develop his mind through playing this game!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Even a child who is zealous to find out what sudoku games are all about will sooner or later successfully play this games. In the United Kingdom, the Sudoku fever has caught the heads of the masses even the children. The sudoku game has modified the way others view how the game is played. In the approaching years, it is likely that more and more folks will study the fundamentals of this game and be able to make the best of it in practical situations.

It is astonishing that some children can play sudoku and the truth that they have more refreshed heads, they can come up with a effective strategies that really help them finish the game. In the United Kingdom, more and more children have eperienced the sudoku puzzle games for kids. Some of the children who did not play around with sudoku have been charmed by other children from everyplace in the countries, above all in the United Kingdom.

How come that Sudoku puzzle games get so popular that a lot of children would like to learn how to play it? Numerous parents want to know if and how their children will benefit from playing sudoku games for children. Because sudoku games are provided free of charge, children can easily play sudoku puzzles as well. A kid can play it at whatever time when they feel like playing it with anyone. Children will naturally play simple-minded steps from the sudoku puzzles.

Only as they mature with dominating the Sudoku, they will discover that they possess their own strategies and leads to apply on the game. Dominating their freshly acquired sudoku leads can be implemented with success in the sudoku puzzle games for children and they can only acquire more of these leads as they improve their way of playing. Sudoku games for children do not only allow them to play the game but they get the opportunity to exercise their skills and reasoning power even in practical situations.

This is the reason why parents have been supporting their kids to play sudoku puzzles for kids since they can apply it even in schooling or to gain their abstract thought to be able to deal well with the shifting Earth. Kids who can play Sudoko games with ease have more possibilities to stand out in school or at other practical situations where logic needs to be used.

Abstract thought and being able to plan in the sudoku games for children is not only an easy step though it can be played plainly. A kid can decide whether he or she is prepared to advance the level of the game. Since the game is offered for free from the newsprints or internet resources, he or she can pick out the perfect time to play this game.

Taking in everything that they have learned will be helpful in learning new strategies and tips for the sudoku for kid’s game. If your kid is interested in playing the game that he would switch his or her favourite TV or animated cartoon show, which means that your child is one of a kind and that he is gifted. If your child has a love for playing the game, encourage them to maintain their learning ability as sudoku for kids is not just any average game. It is unparalleled and can help your child raise his or her concept of the game.

Sudoku for kids developed in Japan with the meaning of single number. Although the game was very popular in Japan, the latest craze began in the year 2004 when a newsprint in United Kingdom began issuing the puzzle in the newsprints. Who would have believed that the game will be loved by many people particularly the kids?

In just a couple of weeks, the puzzles have been gathered up in other newspapers and the sudoku game turned the favorite pastime of the commuters, parents and the children as well. It would be a bit inconceivable to think that the kids have learned to play the game.

The sudoku puzzle games for kids can be a brilliant exercising. Let your children play the game till they want to play it as there is nothing to concern about. Rather than permitting your kids to play computer games for the whole day, he might prefer to try another kind of game that is intended to challenge his youth mind.

Who knows, your children might just be the best sudoku for kids player in history!


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