Search and eliminate external numbers when solving Sudoku puzzles
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Regardless of how difficult Sudoku puzzles you are comfortable of solving, there are a couple of Sudoku strategies that can help you find a proper solution more promptly.
If you have been reading my other posts on this blog, then you have already come upon many of them. But what if reading all those Sudoku hints still did not help you solve your Sudokus?
Thus far we have been causally putting in potential numerals, but as you probably know, many of the Sudoku puzzles need you to be completely methodical in order to find and eliminate external numbers.
When you come to a point where you run out of obvious ideas on how to solve the Sudoku, the first thing you should do before anything else is to double check, if you have actually found all the possible numerals that you can put into the puzzle.
Only then I suggest you to go in the unknown territory and start with the methods like bifurcation (we will talk more about this method later).
The initiative step toward accomplishing this is to pencil in all potential numerals in every square. This will take you much less time than you would think to rattle down “can 1 go”, “can 2 go”, “can 3 go” when checking for these numbers in the cell’s region, row, and column.
Therefore, it is always beneficial to repeat one basic tenet of the Sudoku Puzzle, which goes like this: If something holds correct for one element, then it holds true fo other two associated elements as well.
That is it for today. Subscribe to Sudoku hints blog so you will not miss out on my future posts! Take care!
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